Wishful Thinking

Monday, November 13, 2006

So Charley has made a cameo in my BBQ post, but I guess it's time I do some fatherly doting here. He's a miniature shorthair dachshund, who's about to turn 1-year-old. A sociable fellow, he enjoys doggie treats (preferably gourmet) and long walks around the apartment complex, wherein he barks at and chases after cats, children, and anything else that isn't much bigger than he.

Here's Charley taking a break from his favorite pastime: looking out the window and barking at people passing on the sidwalk.

Here's Charley at his second-favorite pastime: sleeping. He seems to be training for some kind of marathon--that or he's been nursing a stashed horde of sleeping pills that were leftover by the previous residents. Note the ever-so-cute fetal position that allows him to keep his nose warm.

Here's Charley at his third-favorite pastime: tunneling under whatever he can find to tunnel under. He's particularly pleased to get under the covers while we're sleeping and ransack the whole bed so that we wake up pissed at each other for stealing the covers, hogging pillows, taking up too much space, etc. If he weren't so damned cute, we'd have to send him downstairs to sleep on the cold tile floors.

Anyway, that's just an intro our buddy Charley. We hope you get to meet him sometime soon. By then, hopefully he'll have outgrown his puppy phase of pissing all over his new friends by way of salutation--a habit that has earned him the reputation of "The R. Kelley of Dogs" among our Florida friends.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger mr.mhhs said...

do you think he would taste good with barbecue sauce, or ranch dressing?

At 7:36 AM, Blogger wekkley said...

I'm just going to quote a passage from your most recent email to me, Joel, & Evan:

"i saw on the news the other day that a man took a human baby, broke it's legs and then stunned it with a cattle prod. twice. no shit. unlike some in my family i do not think that brotha lynch is funny any more."

Now, I know you're not making a direct reference to Brotha Lynch with your doggie condiments joke, but you're definitely working somewhere within the Lynch family.

That said, I'd probably advise a tangy honey mustard.


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