Wishful Thinking

Monday, May 01, 2006

Yup, that's me with Al Horford, my former student and the starting forward for the Gators' NCAA Champion basketball team. And if I look small next to him, it's only because the camera is pointed up, which really exagerrates his height and general bulk.

Make no mistake: I'm just as imposing a presence on the basketball court (I'm talking to you, Michael Simeone).


At 10:07 AM, Blogger mr.mhhs said...

oh yeah?

well you better have a face mask a la rip hamilton, cuz my greezy dago groin's gonna be all up on your grille when i dunk over you.

that' a cute pic tho, wekk. are you the bottom?

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Joel said...

janking nuts in grillz


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