Wishful Thinking

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Yeah, I know those other statistics: the viewer ratings fell 25 percent to 11.2, marking the second lowest turn-out in the history of the Nielsen records. But peep these: Horford cranked out 14 points and 7 rebounds in just 24 minutes on the floor.

I have to say that even though nobody was watching the game, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Where was that much-hyped Bruins defense? In my estimation, it went the way of the much-hyped Adam Morrison: you could see both crying on the floor at the end of regulation.

God, I love me some college basketball.

PS: That guy who's flying through the air, dunking on some Bruins like they were little girls on a playground? Did I mention I taught that guy everything he knows about punctuation?


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Evan said...

The personification of UCLA's defense to something that cries at the end of a game against florida is hilarious to me. Also, I would blame the terrible ratings on the terrible Final 4 games, not the championship. The much-hyped UCLA-LSU match up was probably the most boring game of the tournament since the UCLA-Memphis game. I imagine everyone thought it would be another 45-52 kind of game. Thank god for the Gators, though. Hope you had a good evening in celebration.


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