Signs of the Times
I was talking to my bro-in-law about Him Who Must Not Be Named and about His Highness's imperial disregard for the balance of powers. A lot of that conversation revolved around W's insidious use of presidential signing statements, and Todd was completely unfamiliar with that phenomenon. So I looked up some news stories and editorials on the subject and sent them to him, and while I'm at it I'll post them here for future reference:
- Charlie Savage's Pulitzer Prize-winning report that broke the news
- A NYTimes editorial on how W uses the signing statements to avoid more public actions like the presidential veto
- Another NYTimes editorial that covers some of the legislation impacted by W's signing statements and details the unparalleled proliferation of this tool under his administration. Spoiler: "Over 212 years, 42 presidents issued 'signing statements' objecting to a grand total of 600 provisions of new laws. George W. Bush has done that more than 800 times in just over five and a half years in office."
PS: In completely unrelated news, here's one response to the Obama election from Huntsville, Arkansas. It seems the owners of the Faubus Motel--yes, previously owned by the Faubus you're thinking of--have raised a Confederate Flag to protest the President Elect. And they've flown it up until at least Nov. 28.
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